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Course for S1








升中面試中文環節《中文面試能力特訓班》/針對升讀Band 1中學而設



【重要資訊】香港Band 1中學,尤其是“傳統名校”,收生面試設有:英文面試環節+中文面試環節。由於中文是多數香港學生的母語,所以在中文面試環節,所設問題往往較為“刁鑽”,不再是小學校本知識,而是要求學生對特定話題(例如中華文化、宗教、社會議題、時事等)的認識,不僅要有廣度,也要有一定的深度;同時也會重點考察學生在這些議題上的分析、思辨及應對能力。







Pre-DSE Speaking (F2-F3 Junior Form)


🎓 Pre-DSE Speaking (Exam-driven)
Background, recommendations and objectives

👉 Key notes: The DSE English Speaking exam encompasses a very wide array of topics, and it is difficult for students to prepare for it in a short period of time. Moreover, the English speaking proficiency is the Achilles heel of Hong Kong students (including many elite students). Students get only one shot in the DSE exam. In order to achieve the 5** grade or at least "not to lose", the following two aspects are indispensable:

(1) Give yourself enough time to truly improve your English speaking proficiency

(2) familiarize yourself with the exam-taking skills for the grade of 5**

Many students are often misled that they can 'win' in the examination just counting on the 'exam skills' when they are sprinting in the final year of Secondary 6.  This is deceiving yourself and joking about your future for that:

(a) Secondary 6 students have to prepare for multiple subject examinations at the same time, and it is bearly possible to allocate too much time to English subject;

(b) When students are faced with a topic that is hard to understand, or their vocabulary level of the related topic is seriously insufficient, how can they rely on the so-called "exam skills" to pass the exam ?!  Unless you deem the examiner just a decoration.

👉 Recommendation: Students need to really improve their English proficiency while they still have time in Secondary 3, 4 and 5.

👉 Goal: To help students achieve the abilities and skills required for DSE 5** at an early stage.
🔮🔮🔮 Course strong features

🎯 British and American teachers train up students English speaking proficiency and group discussion abilities, and guide them to improve;

🎯 DSE past exam papers are adopted in calss for learning and training;

🎯 Bilingual annotations are added to ensure that students can fully understand and absorb the class content;

🎯 DSE Speaking 5** skills set will be taught in class.

🎯 The class is set to include three sections:

(i) Teach students important vocabulary (bilingual annotations) and key expressions on relevant topic discussions

(ii) Mock exam training: the teacher acts as an examiner; students engage in time-limited mock group discussions and individual Q&A responses

(iii) The teacher comments on performance and makes suggestions for improvement to students

English Literature & Elite Writing for GCSE



Elite Native Writing Class (Secondary school (International Schools/DSE/GCSE)


To provide students with a rigorous and stimulating programme in which they learn English and sharpen their writing skills through social issues, debating, popular culture, workspace communication, drama, poems and songs, short stories, and sports communication.

Through this course, you will
discover the "secret sauce" of exceptional writing.
discover how to add style to your writing on various genres.
learn how to make your essay more clear, elegant, and evocative
learn how to make your comment, review, speech, and argumentative text more persuasive, incisive, and refined.
learn how to cultivate the unique mindset of an "elite" writer.
learn how to become a more competent and sophisticated writer.

Range of text types/genres that will be covered in the course
Argumentative essay
Debate speech
Restaurant review
Film review
Letter to the editor
News report/article
Article in News column
Reporting feature article based on interview
Letter of application
Letter of complaints
Letter of reply to complaints
Blog post

Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Phrasal Vbs, Idiom & Language in Use


🎓 Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Phrasal Vbs, Idiom & Language in Use Teaching language: bilingual (mainly English + supplementary Cantonese ) Class duration: 50 minutes FEATURES 🌻 A lot of interactions In the zoom class, the teacher and students will have a lot of question-and-answer interactions. 🌻 Broader than ordinary school curriculum This program is designed to cover a wider and deeper range of study than the ordinary school curriculum, and to better prepare students for their studies in Hong Kong's first-tier secondary schools. 🌻Reading: to greatly broaden the reading horizons In addition to guide students to proficiently apply a series of important skills in reading comprehension, students will be taught to read a great variety of genres and topics and build up related advanced vocabulary, so as to greatly broaden their reading horizons. Themes Daily life, news, climate, environmental protection, science, culture... 🌻 Grammar, Phrasal Verbs, Idiom & Language in Use Grammar usage, phrasal verbs and idioms roll into one big part where students often encounter difficulties in their exams. This Zoom class focuses on guiding and tutoring students to learn a more comprehensive knowledge on these aspects, which will largely benefit students in enhancing their English proficiencies in these areas.






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雙語網上課堂 (不限人數)
任教老師:John Sir

1. 老師透過對英語不同主題文章深入淺出的導讀講解和延伸教學,讓學生可以“無痛”閱讀,解決學生平時因為“文章難”而放棄閱讀的問題;

2. 透過講授作答閱讀理解題目的技巧,讓學生可以逐漸消化;

3. 透過文章講解進階詞彙的應用,以及延伸講授替代詞彙的運用,讓學生能夠舉一反三,解決學生平時因為脫離語境死背詞彙而導致“用不出來”的後遺症;同時解決詞彙應用難以融會貫通的問題;

4. 透過每週一至兩堂閱讀課堂,讓學生持續在老師的指導下進行進階閱讀學習輸入,以及消化應試技巧,內外兼修,解決學生平時閱讀輸入嚴重不足的問題。

Advanced Reading, Phrasal Vbs, Advanced Vocabulary, Idiom, Language in Use & Grammar - Boosting Class


🎓 Advanced Reading, Phrasal Vbs, Advanced Vocabulary, Idiom, Language in Use & Grammar - Boostng Class Teaching language: bilingual (mainly English + supplementary Cantonese ) Class duration: 50 minutes FEATURES 🌻 Broader than ordinary school curriculum This program is designed to cover a wider and deeper range of study than the ordinary school curriculum, and to better prepare students, as a Pre-DSE programme, for their further study in senior form of secondary schools. 🌻Reading: to greatly broaden the reading horizons In addition to guide students to proficiently apply a series of important skills in reading comprehension, students will be taught to read a great variety of genres and topics and build up related advanced vocabulary, so as to greatly broaden their reading horizons. Themes Daily life, news, climate, environmental protection, science, culture... 🌻 Phrasal Verbs, Advanced Vocabulary, Idiom, Grammar & Language in Use Phrasal verbs, Advanced vocabulary, idioms & Grammar usage roll into one big part where students often encounter difficulties in their exams. This Zoom class focuses on guiding and tutoring students to learn a more comprehensive knowledge on these aspects, which will largely benefit students in enhancing their English proficiencies in these areas.

Grammar, Phr Verbs & Idioms Boosting Class (Secondary School)


🎓 Grammar, Phr Verbs & Idioms Boosting Class (Secondary School)

Course Objectives

👉 To serve as a comprehensive and intensive class for secondary students to learn and consolidate key grammar knowledge, useful phrasal verbs and important idioms. It greatly saves students' future effort and time for DSE exam preparation when they are promoting to Form 5 and Form 6.


The teacher will teach important grammar knowledge, phrasal verbs and idioms, as critical supplements for general secondary schools curriculums which are apparently insufficient for students to achieve a high grade. 

Grammar Boosting Class (Secondary School)

🎓 Grammar Boosting Class (Secondary School)

Course Objectives
👉 To serve as a good class for secondary students to learn and consolidate grammar knowledge
The teacher will teach important grammar knowledge according to the curriculum requirement for secondary schools, and conduct a lot of Q&A interactions with students in class, so that students can grasp and consolidate what they have learned through the teacher's guidance in answering the classroom exercises in real time.

Topic Vocabulary & Sentences Boosting Class (Secondary School)

🎓 Topic Vocabulary & Sentences Boosting Class (Secondary School)

📍 Students' Headaches
When students promote to higher grade, their English proficiency becomes weaker and weaker, and they find more and more difficult to catch up with the learning progress. Students have been struggling to enroll in different English language classes, but the results have never been satisfactory.

The reason is that students' vocabulary foundation is so weak that they fall behind too much, which directly affects their reading, writing, grammar, speaking and English listening proficiency. If the vocabulary proficiency is not strengthened as soon as possible and with full force, learning in other areas will be largely restricted. For example, when a student reads an article and does not know a lot of words, it will not be effective to learn other skills.

🎯 Objective

The purpose of this class is to swiftly help students build up their vocabulary foundation associated with various topics, as well as to help them master topic-related sentence expressions, so that they can have the foundation for further improvement in writing, speaking and reading!

Native English Speaking Teachers Zoom class
🎯 Teach students key words and sentences in the most plain English
🎯 Teach pronunciation, topic-related sentence expression and reading aloud
🎯 Class notes are provided with Chinese auxiliary explanations to ensure that students can fully understand and absorb the class content.

In addition, students can subscribe the following booster at HK$168 per month:

Vocabulary & Spelling Booster
AI-powered features for exam-prep
🎯 Spelling booster
🎯 Dictation performance booster
🎯 Pronunciation booster
🎯 Comprehension booster
🎯 AI diagnostic & remedial learning

Video demo & introduction:

Topic Discussion/Advanced Thinking/Speaking(Junior Secondary School)

Topic Discussion/Advanced Thinking/Speaking(Junior Secondary School)

Course objectives:

🎯 Through the following subject areas, students can develop their advanced thinking ability and language skills, enhance their English speaking proficiency in conducting in-depth discussions, and greatly broaden their vision as well.

Subject areas:
Daily life, social issues, news, climate, environmental protection, science, technologies, culture...
🎯 Another valuable part of this class is that teachers will guide and teach students to interact and discuss on different topics. In addition to broadening their reading horizons, it is of great help to sharpen students' English speaking proficiency.

🎯 The topic concepts, advanced thinking approaches and vocabulary that students are to learn in this class will greatly benefit their writing and reading.
The English speaking proficiency of Hong Kong students (including elite students) often lags far behind their reading and writing abilities. This class serves to make a change in this regard.

Junior Secondary School English Writing Class

Junior Secondary School English Writing Class
The writing class provides comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the following areas:

🎯 Essential writing skills, such as the application of adjectives and adverbs, verbs and time conjunctions; the application of complex sentence structure, etc.

🎯 Improvements to writing common problems.

🎯 Demonstrating the process of improving a poorly written composition to a better one, and inspiring students to think about how to tackle with the similar problems, and improve the writing quality.

🎯 Various writing topics and different text types/genres; guidance and analysis of the writing topics, and demonstrating of sample writings to enable students to learn and absorb key writing knowledge and skills.

■ After-class writing task

In order not to waste class time, the teacher will not ask students to write in class.  Instead, after-class writing task will be assigned, and students will be encouraged to practice writing after class based on what they have learned in class. Students can decide for themselves whether or not to turn in their homework.

■ Subscription for grading service

Since the tuition fee for large or small classes is very low, it is not feasible to afford after-class grading and correction work for free.  Students can go to the "Small class / Big class" page in the App, under the category of "Writing grading", use tickets of HK$148 to redeem a writing correction & grading service (not including teaching). For detail, please refer to the service of "Writing correction & grading".

Pre-DSE Tailored Training Programme



Junior Secondary Writing correction & grading (no teaching)


Target students: F1 to F3 Number of words written: No more than 800 words 📝 Students can use tickets of HK$148 to redeem a writing correction and grading service (one-time service, not including teaching).  Students can also submit a writing assignment required by the school. The correction & grading report covers:

✅Errors corrections and improvement suggestions
✅Comment on content, structure and language
1. Students need to submit their homework through the EHLA App in accordance with the writing homework submission guide (Note);
2. Handwritten manuscripts are not accepted;
3. View the correction & grading report through the EHLA App (Note);
4. Students need to submit their homework within 2 weeks after redeeming the correction & grading service;
5. We will complete the grading within five working days after receiving the assignment.

Note: Watch the short video below 🎞️🎞️

Senior Secondary Writing correction & grading (no teaching)


Target students: F4 to F6 Number of words written: No more than 800 words ? Students can use tickets of HK$168 to redeem a writing correction and grading service (one-time service, not including teaching).  Students can also submit a writing assignment required by the school. The correction & grading report covers:

✅Errors corrections and improvement suggestions
✅Comment on content, structure and language
1. Students need to submit their homework through the EHLA App in accordance with the writing homework submission guide (Note);
2. Handwritten manuscripts are not accepted;
3. View the correction & grading report through the EHLA App (Note);
4. Students need to submit their homework within 2 weeks after redeeming the correction & grading service;
5. We will complete the grading within five working days after receiving the assignment.

Note: Watch the short video below ?️?️