Course for P5
升中面試中文環節《中文面試能力特訓班》/針對升讀Band 1中學而設
【重要資訊】香港Band 1中學,尤其是“傳統名校”,收生面試設有:英文面試環節+中文面試環節。由於中文是多數香港學生的母語,所以在中文面試環節,所設問題往往較為“刁鑽”,不再是小學校本知識,而是要求學生對特定話題(例如中華文化、宗教、社會議題、時事等)的認識,不僅要有廣度,也要有一定的深度;同時也會重點考察學生在這些議題上的分析、思辨及應對能力。
【重要資訊】香港Band 1中學,尤其是“傳統名校”,收生面試設有:英文面試環節+中文面試環節。由於中文是多數香港學生的母語,所以在中文面試環節,所設問題往往較為“刁鑽”,不再是小學校本知識,而是要求學生對特定話題(例如中華文化、宗教、社會議題、時事等)的認識,不僅要有廣度,也要有一定的深度;同時也會重點考察學生在這些議題上的分析、思辨及應對能力。
小學中文科《寫作能力特訓及批改輔導課程》| A 班《寫作能力特訓》課程
小學中文科《寫作能力特訓及批改輔導》AB班課程 | A 班《寫作能力特訓》課程(預約課堂前請務必閱讀須知)
🎓小學中文科A班《寫作能力特訓課程》| 預約課堂前請務必閱讀🔊預約須知!
👉 絕不浪費一分一秒課堂時間:
👉 實體班做不到的同步評改及講解:
初小 側重基礎能力,例如分析題目要求、內容結構、看圖作文的讀圖能力,讓學生養成良好的寫作習慣及具備一定的寫作技巧。
高小 深化提升寫作技巧及能力,例如人物描寫手法、敘事技巧、寫作手法、修辭等,將學生將寫作能力提升至更高的層次。
🎓小學中文科A班《寫作能力特訓課程》| 預約課堂前請務必閱讀🔊預約須知!
👉 絕不浪費一分一秒課堂時間:
👉 實體班做不到的同步評改及講解:
初小 側重基礎能力,例如分析題目要求、內容結構、看圖作文的讀圖能力,讓學生養成良好的寫作習慣及具備一定的寫作技巧。
高小 深化提升寫作技巧及能力,例如人物描寫手法、敘事技巧、寫作手法、修辭等,將學生將寫作能力提升至更高的層次。
(普教中)小學中文科《寫作能力特訓及批改輔導課程》| A 班《寫作能力特訓》課程
(普教中)小學中文科《寫作能力特訓及批改輔導》AB班課程 | A 班《寫作能力特訓》課程(預約課堂前請務必閱讀須知)
🎓小學中文科A班《寫作能力特訓課程》| 預約課堂前請務必閱讀🔊預約須知!
👉 絕不浪費一分一秒課堂時間:
👉 實體班做不到的同步評改及講解:
初小 側重基礎能力,例如分析題目要求、內容結構、看圖作文的讀圖能力,讓學生養成良好的寫作習慣及具備一定的寫作技巧。
高小 深化提升寫作技巧及能力,例如人物描寫手法、敘事技巧、寫作手法、修辭等,將學生將寫作能力提升至更高的層次。
🎓小學中文科A班《寫作能力特訓課程》| 預約課堂前請務必閱讀🔊預約須知!
👉 絕不浪費一分一秒課堂時間:
👉 實體班做不到的同步評改及講解:
初小 側重基礎能力,例如分析題目要求、內容結構、看圖作文的讀圖能力,讓學生養成良好的寫作習慣及具備一定的寫作技巧。
高小 深化提升寫作技巧及能力,例如人物描寫手法、敘事技巧、寫作手法、修辭等,將學生將寫作能力提升至更高的層次。
小學中文科《寫作能力特訓及批改輔導課程》| B 班《寫作批改輔導》課程
小學中文科《寫作能力特訓及批改輔導》AB班課程 | B 班《寫作批改輔導》課程(預約課堂前請務必閱讀須知)
🎓小學中文科 B 班《寫作批改輔導》| 預約課堂前請務必閱讀🔊預約須知!
👉 絕不浪費一分一秒課堂時間:
👉 實體班做不到的同步評改及講解:
高小 深化提升寫作技巧及能力,例如人物描寫手法、敘事技巧、寫作手法、修辭等,將學生將寫作能力提升至更高的層次。
1. 學生須在本課堂開始前,已經上了同題目A班《寫作能力特訓課堂》,並提交指定題目的作品。
2. 如果學生未能在上課前提交寫作作品,不設補交安排。學生仍然需要按時上課,學習老師對其他學生作品的點評與輔導。
3. 學生需按指定題目寫作及提交,不能自行擬定寫作題目,原因是:課堂的最大成效是讓課堂內的學生們(不超5人)可以透過老師講解每個學生對相同一個寫作題目的創作,讓每位學生都能同時學習其他同學同一題目作文的優秀之處,以及避免其他同學出現的問題,令學習效果最大化。如果每位學生的作品題目不一樣,則無法達致此成效。
4. 萬一學生在課堂當日因病未能上課(需要提供醫生證明),我們會把學券退回至家長賬號,但學生會因此錯過這個寫作主題的批改輔導課堂。學生再報讀新寫作主題批改輔導課堂時,也需要根據新題目進行寫作並提交。
5. 提交作品方法:
通過EHLA App-課堂方塊-點擊任務-溝通Communication(即chatroom)
🎓小學中文科 B 班《寫作批改輔導》| 預約課堂前請務必閱讀🔊預約須知!
👉 絕不浪費一分一秒課堂時間:
👉 實體班做不到的同步評改及講解:
高小 深化提升寫作技巧及能力,例如人物描寫手法、敘事技巧、寫作手法、修辭等,將學生將寫作能力提升至更高的層次。
1. 學生須在本課堂開始前,已經上了同題目A班《寫作能力特訓課堂》,並提交指定題目的作品。
2. 如果學生未能在上課前提交寫作作品,不設補交安排。學生仍然需要按時上課,學習老師對其他學生作品的點評與輔導。
3. 學生需按指定題目寫作及提交,不能自行擬定寫作題目,原因是:課堂的最大成效是讓課堂內的學生們(不超5人)可以透過老師講解每個學生對相同一個寫作題目的創作,讓每位學生都能同時學習其他同學同一題目作文的優秀之處,以及避免其他同學出現的問題,令學習效果最大化。如果每位學生的作品題目不一樣,則無法達致此成效。
4. 萬一學生在課堂當日因病未能上課(需要提供醫生證明),我們會把學券退回至家長賬號,但學生會因此錯過這個寫作主題的批改輔導課堂。學生再報讀新寫作主題批改輔導課堂時,也需要根據新題目進行寫作並提交。
5. 提交作品方法:
通過EHLA App-課堂方塊-點擊任務-溝通Communication(即chatroom)
(普教中)小學中文科《寫作能力特訓及批改輔導課程》| B 班《寫作批改輔導》課程
(普教中)小學中文科《寫作能力特訓及批改輔導》AB班課程 | B 班《寫作批改輔導》課程(預約課堂前請務必閱讀須知)
🎓小學中文科 B 班《寫作批改輔導》| 預約課堂前請務必閱讀🔊預約須知!
👉 絕不浪費一分一秒課堂時間:
👉 實體班做不到的同步評改及講解:
高小 深化提升寫作技巧及能力,例如人物描寫手法、敘事技巧、寫作手法、修辭等,將學生將寫作能力提升至更高的層次。
1. 學生須在本課堂開始前,已經上了同題目A班《寫作能力特訓課堂》,並提交指定題目的作品。
2. 如果學生未能在上課前提交寫作作品,不設補交安排。學生仍然需要按時上課,學習老師對其他學生作品的點評與輔導。
3. 學生需按指定題目寫作及提交,不能自行擬定寫作題目,原因是:課堂的最大成效是讓課堂內的學生們(不超5人)可以透過老師講解每個學生對相同一個寫作題目的創作,讓每位學生都能同時學習其他同學同一題目作文的優秀之處,以及避免其他同學出現的問題,令學習效果最大化。如果每位學生的作品題目不一樣,則無法達致此成效。
4. 萬一學生在課堂當日因病未能上課(需要提供醫生證明),我們會把學券退回至家長賬號,但學生會因此錯過這個寫作主題的批改輔導課堂。學生再報讀新寫作主題批改輔導課堂時,也需要根據新題目進行寫作並提交。
5. 提交作品方法:
通過EHLA App-課堂方塊-點擊任務-溝通Communication(即chatroom)
🎓小學中文科 B 班《寫作批改輔導》| 預約課堂前請務必閱讀🔊預約須知!
👉 絕不浪費一分一秒課堂時間:
👉 實體班做不到的同步評改及講解:
高小 深化提升寫作技巧及能力,例如人物描寫手法、敘事技巧、寫作手法、修辭等,將學生將寫作能力提升至更高的層次。
1. 學生須在本課堂開始前,已經上了同題目A班《寫作能力特訓課堂》,並提交指定題目的作品。
2. 如果學生未能在上課前提交寫作作品,不設補交安排。學生仍然需要按時上課,學習老師對其他學生作品的點評與輔導。
3. 學生需按指定題目寫作及提交,不能自行擬定寫作題目,原因是:課堂的最大成效是讓課堂內的學生們(不超5人)可以透過老師講解每個學生對相同一個寫作題目的創作,讓每位學生都能同時學習其他同學同一題目作文的優秀之處,以及避免其他同學出現的問題,令學習效果最大化。如果每位學生的作品題目不一樣,則無法達致此成效。
4. 萬一學生在課堂當日因病未能上課(需要提供醫生證明),我們會把學券退回至家長賬號,但學生會因此錯過這個寫作主題的批改輔導課堂。學生再報讀新寫作主題批改輔導課堂時,也需要根據新題目進行寫作並提交。
5. 提交作品方法:
通過EHLA App-課堂方塊-點擊任務-溝通Communication(即chatroom)
👉 課堂安排每週固定時段輪流講授「寫作」以及「閱讀理解」。
👉 小班課與大班課側重重點不一樣,兩者承擔不一樣的教學及訓練功能,並互為補充。
👉 課堂安排每週固定時段輪流講授「寫作」以及「閱讀理解」。
👉 小班課與大班課側重重點不一樣,兩者承擔不一樣的教學及訓練功能,並互為補充。
English Conversation Class/Primary students
English Conversation Class/Primary students
Duration: 30 minutes (via Zoom)
Class Size: Up to 3 students
Instructor: Native English-speaking teacher from EHLA
Levels Offered:
Basic / Intermediate
👉For 5th and 6th graders with advanced English skills, they can opt for the "English Interview Preparation for Secondary School Admission" class.
(I)Practical Conversations
(II)Describing various everyday scenes
(III)Higher-Level Questions & Answers
Background and Goals:
The investment in English-speaking resources in Hong Kong schools is woefully inadequate, leading to weak oral English skills among students. Many students struggle with even basic daily English conversations and Q&As. Moreover, the tutors’ ability in many local tutoring centres to teach more standard English conversation is lacking. This course aims to overcome these challenges by offering practical curriculum design, allowing students to progressively enhance their English speaking abilities under the guidance of native English-speaking instructors.
Course Introduction:
The following are excerpts of some content. The actual class material will be richer and more abundant. The specific content will be adjusted according to different English levels, ensuring students can learn and absorb the material easily.
(I)Practical Conversations
• On the Street: How to answer when a foreigner asks for directions?
• At the Bus Stop: How to respond when a foreigner asks which bus to take?
• In the MTR: How to tell a foreigner where to get off or transfer?
• In the Clinic: How to express discomfort to the doctor?
• At School: How to tell a foreign teacher where and how a classmate got injured?
• On the Phone: How to answer a call?
• Asking for Help: How to tell someone your location?
• Offering Help: How to ask someone, "Do you need my help?" or "Are you okay?" or "Shall I call an ambulance?"
• In the Restaurant: How to order your favorite food?
• In the Cinema: How to buy tickets? Popcorn? Soda?
• At the Playground: How to say not to cut in line?
• In the Library: How to borrow or return books?
• While Shopping: How to ask the price? Which one you prefer?
• Getting a Haircut: How to describe the desired hairstyle?
And more...
How to say:
• What you like/dislike
• What you enjoy doing
• Where you want to go play
• What are your wishes?
• How are you feeling?
• Weather
• Your family
• Your favorite animals
And more...
(II)Describing various everyday scenes
How to describe various scenes:
• Beach scenes
• Busy streets
• Traffic congestion
• Rainy and windy weather
• Zoological and botanical parks
• Sports arenas
• Festivals
• Library
• Accidents
• School
• Competitions
• Firefighters fighting a fire
• Theme parks
• Supermarkets
• Ambulances aiding people
• Doctor visits
• Bus stops
• Rural areas
• Shopping
• Playing with small animals
• Getting a haircut
• Movie theaters
• Waiting in line
• Doing housework
And more...
(III)Higher-Level Questions & Answers (Required to answer: Why?):
How to answer:
• How do you describe yourself?
• If you could realize one wish, what would it be?
• Who is your favorite idol?
• What are your strengths and weaknesses?
• What is the one thing you dislike the most?
• Do you think friends are important?
• Do you like volunteering? Is volunteering important?
• Do you think keeping pets is good? What to consider?
• Do you know what environmental protection is? Is it important?
• What should we do to protect the Earth?
• What movies have you seen? Which is your favorite?
• What books have you read? Which is your favorite?
And more...
Duration: 30 minutes (via Zoom)
Class Size: Up to 3 students
Instructor: Native English-speaking teacher from EHLA
Levels Offered:
Basic / Intermediate
👉For 5th and 6th graders with advanced English skills, they can opt for the "English Interview Preparation for Secondary School Admission" class.
(I)Practical Conversations
(II)Describing various everyday scenes
(III)Higher-Level Questions & Answers
Background and Goals:
The investment in English-speaking resources in Hong Kong schools is woefully inadequate, leading to weak oral English skills among students. Many students struggle with even basic daily English conversations and Q&As. Moreover, the tutors’ ability in many local tutoring centres to teach more standard English conversation is lacking. This course aims to overcome these challenges by offering practical curriculum design, allowing students to progressively enhance their English speaking abilities under the guidance of native English-speaking instructors.
Course Introduction:
The following are excerpts of some content. The actual class material will be richer and more abundant. The specific content will be adjusted according to different English levels, ensuring students can learn and absorb the material easily.
(I)Practical Conversations
• On the Street: How to answer when a foreigner asks for directions?
• At the Bus Stop: How to respond when a foreigner asks which bus to take?
• In the MTR: How to tell a foreigner where to get off or transfer?
• In the Clinic: How to express discomfort to the doctor?
• At School: How to tell a foreign teacher where and how a classmate got injured?
• On the Phone: How to answer a call?
• Asking for Help: How to tell someone your location?
• Offering Help: How to ask someone, "Do you need my help?" or "Are you okay?" or "Shall I call an ambulance?"
• In the Restaurant: How to order your favorite food?
• In the Cinema: How to buy tickets? Popcorn? Soda?
• At the Playground: How to say not to cut in line?
• In the Library: How to borrow or return books?
• While Shopping: How to ask the price? Which one you prefer?
• Getting a Haircut: How to describe the desired hairstyle?
And more...
How to say:
• What you like/dislike
• What you enjoy doing
• Where you want to go play
• What are your wishes?
• How are you feeling?
• Weather
• Your family
• Your favorite animals
And more...
(II)Describing various everyday scenes
How to describe various scenes:
• Beach scenes
• Busy streets
• Traffic congestion
• Rainy and windy weather
• Zoological and botanical parks
• Sports arenas
• Festivals
• Library
• Accidents
• School
• Competitions
• Firefighters fighting a fire
• Theme parks
• Supermarkets
• Ambulances aiding people
• Doctor visits
• Bus stops
• Rural areas
• Shopping
• Playing with small animals
• Getting a haircut
• Movie theaters
• Waiting in line
• Doing housework
And more...
(III)Higher-Level Questions & Answers (Required to answer: Why?):
How to answer:
• How do you describe yourself?
• If you could realize one wish, what would it be?
• Who is your favorite idol?
• What are your strengths and weaknesses?
• What is the one thing you dislike the most?
• Do you think friends are important?
• Do you like volunteering? Is volunteering important?
• Do you think keeping pets is good? What to consider?
• Do you know what environmental protection is? Is it important?
• What should we do to protect the Earth?
• What movies have you seen? Which is your favorite?
• What books have you read? Which is your favorite?
And more...
Foundation Vocabulary and Sentences Boosting Class
🎓 Foundation Vocabulary & Sentences Boosting Class (Primary School)
📍Parents' Headaches
When students promote to higher grade, their English proficiency becomes weaker and weaker, and they find more and more difficult to catch up with the learning progress. Parents have been struggling to enroll students in different English language classes, but the results have never been satisfactory.
The reason is that children's vocabulary foundation is so weak that they fall behind too much, which directly affects their reading, writing, grammar, speaking and English listening proficiency. If the vocabulary proficiency is not strengthened as soon as possible and with full force, learning in other areas will be largely restricted. For example, when a student reads an article and does not know a lot of words, it will not be effective to learn other skills.
🔑 Scientific & Effective Learning & Teaching Approach
For non-English speaking students, in response to their actual situations and difficulties in learning English. The top tier team of educators of EHLA has developed a scientific and efficient teaching and learning approach in this area to help improve students' vocabulary.
Native English Speaking Teachers Zoom class
🎯 Teach students key words and sentences in the most plain English
🎯 Teach pronunciation and reading aloud
🎯 Class notes are provided with Chinese auxiliary explanations to ensure that students can fully understand and absorb the class content.
🔮Course content
The curriculum covers primary school text vocabulary listed by major Hong Kong publishing houses to meet students' minimum vocabulary learning requirements.
In addition, students can subscribe the following booster at HK$168 per month, and if students have attended 4 classes per month, they can enjoy a $68 subscription.
School Textbook Vocabulary & Spelling Booster - AI-powered features for exam-prep
🎯 Spelling booster
🎯 Dictation performance booster
🎯 Pronunciation booster
🎯 Comprehension booster
🎯 AI diagnostic & remedial learning
🎯 YLE/Trinity exam vocab booster
Video demo & introduction:
📍Parents' Headaches
When students promote to higher grade, their English proficiency becomes weaker and weaker, and they find more and more difficult to catch up with the learning progress. Parents have been struggling to enroll students in different English language classes, but the results have never been satisfactory.
The reason is that children's vocabulary foundation is so weak that they fall behind too much, which directly affects their reading, writing, grammar, speaking and English listening proficiency. If the vocabulary proficiency is not strengthened as soon as possible and with full force, learning in other areas will be largely restricted. For example, when a student reads an article and does not know a lot of words, it will not be effective to learn other skills.
🔑 Scientific & Effective Learning & Teaching Approach
For non-English speaking students, in response to their actual situations and difficulties in learning English. The top tier team of educators of EHLA has developed a scientific and efficient teaching and learning approach in this area to help improve students' vocabulary.
Native English Speaking Teachers Zoom class
🎯 Teach students key words and sentences in the most plain English
🎯 Teach pronunciation and reading aloud
🎯 Class notes are provided with Chinese auxiliary explanations to ensure that students can fully understand and absorb the class content.
🔮Course content
The curriculum covers primary school text vocabulary listed by major Hong Kong publishing houses to meet students' minimum vocabulary learning requirements.
In addition, students can subscribe the following booster at HK$168 per month, and if students have attended 4 classes per month, they can enjoy a $68 subscription.
School Textbook Vocabulary & Spelling Booster - AI-powered features for exam-prep
🎯 Spelling booster
🎯 Dictation performance booster
🎯 Pronunciation booster
🎯 Comprehension booster
🎯 AI diagnostic & remedial learning
🎯 YLE/Trinity exam vocab booster
Video demo & introduction:
Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Phrasal Vbs, Idiom & Language in Use
🎓 Advanced Reading, Phrasal Vbs, Advanced Vocabulary, Idiom, Language in Use & Grammar - Boostng Class
Teaching language: bilingual (mainly English + supplementary Cantonese )
Class duration: 50 minutes
🌻 Broader than ordinary school curriculum
This program is designed to cover a wider and deeper range of study than the ordinary school curriculum, and to better prepare students, as a Pre-DSE programme, for their further study in senior form of secondary schools.
🌻Reading: to greatly broaden the reading horizons
In addition to guide students to proficiently apply a series of important skills in reading comprehension, students will be taught to read a great variety of genres and topics and build up related advanced vocabulary, so as to greatly broaden their reading horizons.
Daily life, news, climate, environmental protection, science, culture...
🌻 Phrasal Verbs, Advanced Vocabulary, Idiom, Grammar & Language in Use
Phrasal verbs, Advanced vocabulary, idioms & Grammar usage roll into one big part where students often encounter difficulties in their exams. This Zoom class focuses on guiding and tutoring students to learn a more comprehensive knowledge on these aspects, which will largely benefit students in enhancing their English proficiencies in these areas.
Grammar Usage (Concept Teaching) Class
KS2 of Primary
Grammar usage is an important foundation for English learning and one of the keys for improving writing proficiency. This grammar usage Zoom class delivers high-quality teaching to students and helps them
(1) consolidate the foundation;
(2) master new grammar knowledge
This class provides an excellent English speaking environment and opportunity for children to learn and interact with native speaker teachers, and improve their English reading, listening and speaking proficiency.
(1) consolidate the foundation;
(2) master new grammar knowledge
This class provides an excellent English speaking environment and opportunity for children to learn and interact with native speaker teachers, and improve their English reading, listening and speaking proficiency.
Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Phrasal Vbs, Idiom & Language in Use
🎓 Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Phrasal Vbs, Idiom & Language in Use
Teaching language: bilingual (mainly English + supplementary Cantonese )
Class duration: 50 minutes
🌻 A lot of interactions
In the zoom class, the teacher and students will have a lot of question-and-answer interactions.
🌻 Broader than ordinary school curriculum
This program is designed to cover a wider and deeper range of study than the ordinary school curriculum, and to better prepare students for their studies in Hong Kong's first-tier secondary schools.
🌻Reading: to greatly broaden the reading horizons
In addition to guide students to proficiently apply a series of important skills in reading comprehension, students will be taught to read a great variety of genres and topics and build up related advanced vocabulary, so as to greatly broaden their reading horizons.
Daily life, news, climate, environmental protection, science, culture...
🌻 Grammar, Phrasal Verbs, Idiom & Language in Use
Grammar usage, phrasal verbs and idioms roll into one big part where students often encounter difficulties in their exams. This Zoom class focuses on guiding and tutoring students to learn a more comprehensive knowledge on these aspects, which will largely benefit students in enhancing their English proficiencies in these areas.
YLE Movers +Trinity Grade 3&4 -Vocab & Sentence Boosting Class
7yro to 9yro
Suitable for K2 to P1 kids
Suitable for P2 to P3
This class is to provide a precious English speaking and learning environment for pre-school kids and students at the early learning stage of primary school, allowing them to immerse themselves in learning English. Our native English-speaking teachers will teach and guide children to absorb various arrays of English vocabulary and sentences required for YLE and Trinity exams. Meanwhile, it greatly improve their English listening proficiency. The benefit of this class to children can be obviously observed.
🌻 Native English-speaking teachers help the struggling parents to teach and guide kids to learn and absorb English language;
🌻 The class is rich in content covering suggested key words and sentence structures for YLE and Trinity exams;
🌻 The class relieves the headaches of lack of English speaking and learning environment.
Suitable for P2 to P3
This class is to provide a precious English speaking and learning environment for pre-school kids and students at the early learning stage of primary school, allowing them to immerse themselves in learning English. Our native English-speaking teachers will teach and guide children to absorb various arrays of English vocabulary and sentences required for YLE and Trinity exams. Meanwhile, it greatly improve their English listening proficiency. The benefit of this class to children can be obviously observed.
🌻 Native English-speaking teachers help the struggling parents to teach and guide kids to learn and absorb English language;
🌻 The class is rich in content covering suggested key words and sentence structures for YLE and Trinity exams;
🌻 The class relieves the headaches of lack of English speaking and learning environment.
Elite Writing for Elite Students (Self-team up)
Elite writing skills
To teach various elite writing skills, including but not limited to similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification, building tension and suspense, and the application of advanced verbs, connectives, adjectives, adverbs...
Various text types
To explore various text types, including descriptive stories, fiction, non-fiction, recount, peoms, news report, arguments ...
Creative writing elements
To teach students how to construct a beautiful writing work step by step. In the meantime, it strengthens their abilities in applying a wide range of words and writing longer, more complex and grammatical sentences.
Advanced picture composition
To inspire students to use their imaginations on the basis of limited or relatively simple picture materials, to conceive richer storylines, to describe more details, or to create more intriguing story endings. Meanwhile, students are guided to use more complex sentence structures and advanced vocabulary to write the stories.
Advanced vocabulary in use
To guide students to divers
To teach various elite writing skills, including but not limited to similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification, building tension and suspense, and the application of advanced verbs, connectives, adjectives, adverbs...
Various text types
To explore various text types, including descriptive stories, fiction, non-fiction, recount, peoms, news report, arguments ...
Creative writing elements
To teach students how to construct a beautiful writing work step by step. In the meantime, it strengthens their abilities in applying a wide range of words and writing longer, more complex and grammatical sentences.
Advanced picture composition
To inspire students to use their imaginations on the basis of limited or relatively simple picture materials, to conceive richer storylines, to describe more details, or to create more intriguing story endings. Meanwhile, students are guided to use more complex sentence structures and advanced vocabulary to write the stories.
Advanced vocabulary in use
To guide students to divers
English Literature & Elite Writing for Elite Students (需自組)
Students aged: 8-11 years
To develop learners’ pleasure in reading English texts and to develop their vocabulary and understanding of the conventions of a range of texts including fiction, poetry and non-fiction.
To encourage learners to deepen their comprehension while reading through discussion of key themes, language techniques and characterisation in stories.
To guide the application of higher-order analytical skills when responding to a text, including inference, interpretation, comparison and evaluation.
To develop learners’ abilities in reading aloud, including correct pronunciation, intonation, tone, volume and expression in ways that demonstrate and enhance meaning. Learners will thus be guided in reading texts aloud and the performance of dialogues and poems.
To improve readers’ skills in tackling non-fiction texts, including: skim and scan reading for gist and specific information, taking useful notes, and synthesising information for a purpose.
Content of the Course
The course will be comprised of extracts from a wide range of classic and contemporary young readers’ fiction, poetry, plays and non-fiction texts.
This may include:
Classical Myths and Legends
Traditional Stories/ Fairy Tales/ Fables
Modern Fiction
Books from other Cultures and Traditions
Young Readers’ Poetry
Plays for young actors
Factual Information Texts: for example, magazine or news articles on Science, History or Geography; extracts from textbooks; a short biography or recount.
To develop learners’ pleasure in reading English texts and to develop their vocabulary and understanding of the conventions of a range of texts including fiction, poetry and non-fiction.
To encourage learners to deepen their comprehension while reading through discussion of key themes, language techniques and characterisation in stories.
To guide the application of higher-order analytical skills when responding to a text, including inference, interpretation, comparison and evaluation.
To develop learners’ abilities in reading aloud, including correct pronunciation, intonation, tone, volume and expression in ways that demonstrate and enhance meaning. Learners will thus be guided in reading texts aloud and the performance of dialogues and poems.
To improve readers’ skills in tackling non-fiction texts, including: skim and scan reading for gist and specific information, taking useful notes, and synthesising information for a purpose.
Content of the Course
The course will be comprised of extracts from a wide range of classic and contemporary young readers’ fiction, poetry, plays and non-fiction texts.
This may include:
Classical Myths and Legends
Traditional Stories/ Fairy Tales/ Fables
Modern Fiction
Books from other Cultures and Traditions
Young Readers’ Poetry
Plays for young actors
Factual Information Texts: for example, magazine or news articles on Science, History or Geography; extracts from textbooks; a short biography or recount.
Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Phrasal Vbs, Idiom & Language in Use
🎓 Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Phrasal Vbs, Idiom & Language in Use
Teaching language: bilingual (mainly English + supplementary Cantonese )
Class duration: 50 minutes
🌻 A lot of interactions
In the zoom class, the teacher and students will have a lot of question-and-answer interactions.
🌻 Broader than ordinary school curriculum
This program is designed to cover a wider and deeper range of study than the ordinary school curriculum, and to better prepare students for their studies in Hong Kong's first-tier secondary schools.
🌻Reading: to greatly broaden the reading horizons
In addition to guide students to proficiently apply a series of important skills in reading comprehension, students will be taught to read a great variety of genres and topics and build up related advanced vocabulary, so as to greatly broaden their reading horizons.
Daily life, news, climate, environmental protection, science, culture...
🌻 Grammar, Phrasal Verbs, Idiom & Language in Use
Grammar usage, phrasal verbs and idioms roll into one big part where students often encounter difficulties in their exams. This Zoom class focuses on guiding and tutoring students to learn a more comprehensive knowledge on these aspects, which will largely benefit students in enhancing their English proficiencies in these areas.
Discover the World with Native English Teachers - Speak & Read Leap Programme
Discover the World with Native English Teachers - Speak & Read Leap Programme
Reading and speaking are vital foundations of English! This class provides an immersive English learning environment and opportunities for children to explore and discover the world under the guidance of native English speaker teachers. Through the interactions with teachers in the class, students' reading, listening and speaking proficiencies will be greatly enhanced. Meanwhile, it can also greatly broaden their horizons and knowledge.
Subject areas:
Daily life, climate, environmental protection, science, culture, poam, geology, biology...
Course objectives:
🎯 Through the above subject areas, students will be able to develop their language skills related to the subject, improve their ability to use fluent English to conduct meaningful discussions on various topics;
🎯 to greatly broaden students' horizons and enhance their ability to conduct research, data search and analysis;
🎯 Another valuable part of this class is that the class brings together different knowledge areas, so that students can continue to absorb knowledge related to life, society and the world in one single course;
🎯 to correct students' pronunciation problems in class;
🎯 to boost up students' vocabulary proficiency on various subject areas, which will benefit a great deal their writing and reading proficiencies.
Reading and speaking are vital foundations of English! This class provides an immersive English learning environment and opportunities for children to explore and discover the world under the guidance of native English speaker teachers. Through the interactions with teachers in the class, students' reading, listening and speaking proficiencies will be greatly enhanced. Meanwhile, it can also greatly broaden their horizons and knowledge.
Subject areas:
Daily life, climate, environmental protection, science, culture, poam, geology, biology...
Course objectives:
🎯 Through the above subject areas, students will be able to develop their language skills related to the subject, improve their ability to use fluent English to conduct meaningful discussions on various topics;
🎯 to greatly broaden students' horizons and enhance their ability to conduct research, data search and analysis;
🎯 Another valuable part of this class is that the class brings together different knowledge areas, so that students can continue to absorb knowledge related to life, society and the world in one single course;
🎯 to correct students' pronunciation problems in class;
🎯 to boost up students' vocabulary proficiency on various subject areas, which will benefit a great deal their writing and reading proficiencies.
Foundation English Speaking (Oral) & Writing Class
📅Class arrangement
Students will take turns in English speaking (oral) class and English writing class every other week.
This class is suitable for students with lower or weaker English proficiency
👉 to firstly consolidate their foundation step-by-step. After achieving that, they can then choose a class with a higher level of ability to learn for ability leaps.
👉 to provide a necessary English environment and opportunities for them to immerse themselves in learning. Under the guidance of native speaker teachers, they will be able to:
🎯 learn basic English conversation
🎯 Improve English pronunciation
🎯 improve basic English writing, pictures composition and pictures description
🎯 absorb key words and expressions related to writing topics
👉 The key areas of school assessment that many students are afraid of
English writing, pictures composition and pictures description are important areas that need to be assessed throughout the primary school stage, which pose great challenges to many students. Mastering the vocabulary and expressions of various daily life related topics is one of the aims of this class.
👉 Benefits of native speaker teachers' teaching
Most of the students with weak English foundation lack an English environment. To make a real progress of improvement, they need to immerse themselves in an good English speaking environment, learn to interact, listen and speak with native speaker teachers. This is what parents and local teachers have difficulties to assist.
v In order to allow all students to absorb the teaching in class, the key vocabulary and expressions will be specially supported with Chinese explanations in the class material.
❓ Writing homework after class? Grading and correction?
This class provides optional writing exercises after class. In order not to waste students' learning time, they are not required to write on the spot in the class. It is optional for students to submit their work after class. If you need a teacher to to grade and correct the work, you need to subscribe to the writing grading and correction service at $98 for each piece of work.
Students will take turns in English speaking (oral) class and English writing class every other week.
This class is suitable for students with lower or weaker English proficiency
👉 to firstly consolidate their foundation step-by-step. After achieving that, they can then choose a class with a higher level of ability to learn for ability leaps.
👉 to provide a necessary English environment and opportunities for them to immerse themselves in learning. Under the guidance of native speaker teachers, they will be able to:
🎯 learn basic English conversation
🎯 Improve English pronunciation
🎯 improve basic English writing, pictures composition and pictures description
🎯 absorb key words and expressions related to writing topics
👉 The key areas of school assessment that many students are afraid of
English writing, pictures composition and pictures description are important areas that need to be assessed throughout the primary school stage, which pose great challenges to many students. Mastering the vocabulary and expressions of various daily life related topics is one of the aims of this class.
👉 Benefits of native speaker teachers' teaching
Most of the students with weak English foundation lack an English environment. To make a real progress of improvement, they need to immerse themselves in an good English speaking environment, learn to interact, listen and speak with native speaker teachers. This is what parents and local teachers have difficulties to assist.
v In order to allow all students to absorb the teaching in class, the key vocabulary and expressions will be specially supported with Chinese explanations in the class material.
❓ Writing homework after class? Grading and correction?
This class provides optional writing exercises after class. In order not to waste students' learning time, they are not required to write on the spot in the class. It is optional for students to submit their work after class. If you need a teacher to to grade and correct the work, you need to subscribe to the writing grading and correction service at $98 for each piece of work.
Speaking Proficiency Boosting & Secondary Schools Interview Prep Class
Speaking Proficiency Boosting & Secondary Schools Interview Prep Class
In this Zoom class, native speaker teachers will guide and train students to improve and enhance their English speaking proficiency, and to better prepare for answering the interview questions. It provides a very good opportunity and English environment for students to conduct daily conversations in English and group interview practice. The teacher will guide students to improve through the training process.
👉🏻 Read aloud in English
👉🏻 Reading comprehension Q&A
👉🏻 Picture description/storytelling
👉🏻 Self-introduction in English
👉🏻 Q&A and group discussion
In this Zoom class, native speaker teachers will guide and train students to improve and enhance their English speaking proficiency, and to better prepare for answering the interview questions. It provides a very good opportunity and English environment for students to conduct daily conversations in English and group interview practice. The teacher will guide students to improve through the training process.
👉🏻 Read aloud in English
👉🏻 Reading comprehension Q&A
👉🏻 Picture description/storytelling
👉🏻 Self-introduction in English
👉🏻 Q&A and group discussion
Daily Life Vocabulary, Sentences & Picture Description Enhancing Class
9yro to 12yro
🎓 Vocabulary & Sentences Boosting Class (Primary School)
📍Parents' Headaches
When students promote to higher grade, their English proficiency becomes weaker and weaker, and they find more and more difficult to catch up with the learning progress. Parents have been struggling to enroll students in different English language classes, but the results have never been satisfactory.
The reason is that children's vocabulary foundation is so weak that they fall behind too much, which directly affects their reading, writing, grammar, speaking and English listening proficiency. If the vocabulary proficiency is not strengthened as soon as possible and with full force, learning in other areas will be largely restricted. For example, when a student reads an article and does not know a lot of words, it will not be effective to learn other skills.
🔑 Scientific & Effective Learning & Teaching Approach
For non-English speaking students, in response to their actual situations and difficulties in learning English. The top tier team of educators of EHLA has developed a scientific and efficient teaching and learning approach in this area to help improve students' vocabulary.
Native English Speaking Teachers Zoom class
🎯 Teach students key words and sentences in the most plain English
🎯 Teach pronunciation and reading aloud
🎯 Class notes are provided with Chinese auxiliary explanations to ensure that students can fully understand and absorb the class content.
In addition, students can subscribe the following booster at HK$168 per month:
Vocabulary & Spelling Booster AI-powered features for exam-prep 🎯 Spelling booster
🎯 Dictation performance booster
🎯 Pronunciation booster
🎯 Comprehension booster
🎯 AI diagnostic & remedial learning
🎯 YLE/Trinity exam vocab booster
Video demo & introduction:
📍Parents' Headaches
When students promote to higher grade, their English proficiency becomes weaker and weaker, and they find more and more difficult to catch up with the learning progress. Parents have been struggling to enroll students in different English language classes, but the results have never been satisfactory.
The reason is that children's vocabulary foundation is so weak that they fall behind too much, which directly affects their reading, writing, grammar, speaking and English listening proficiency. If the vocabulary proficiency is not strengthened as soon as possible and with full force, learning in other areas will be largely restricted. For example, when a student reads an article and does not know a lot of words, it will not be effective to learn other skills.
🔑 Scientific & Effective Learning & Teaching Approach
For non-English speaking students, in response to their actual situations and difficulties in learning English. The top tier team of educators of EHLA has developed a scientific and efficient teaching and learning approach in this area to help improve students' vocabulary.
Native English Speaking Teachers Zoom class
🎯 Teach students key words and sentences in the most plain English
🎯 Teach pronunciation and reading aloud
🎯 Class notes are provided with Chinese auxiliary explanations to ensure that students can fully understand and absorb the class content.
In addition, students can subscribe the following booster at HK$168 per month:
Vocabulary & Spelling Booster AI-powered features for exam-prep 🎯 Spelling booster
🎯 Dictation performance booster
🎯 Pronunciation booster
🎯 Comprehension booster
🎯 AI diagnostic & remedial learning
🎯 YLE/Trinity exam vocab booster
Video demo & introduction:
(A) Writing Class - Skills and Sample Essay Tutoring | Please read the instructions before making an appointment!
P4 to P6(Exam Prep)
🎓 English Writing Skills Crafting Class | Important Notice Before Booking Classes!
👉 Please read the following
🔊Important Information on Homework Submission and Grading
🔮🔮🔮 Key Features
🍀 Native Writing
All sample essays are crafted by outstanding British and American teachers according to students' cognitive and intellectual levels. Achieving a "native writing" style is often challenging for local English teachers. Local teachers' works tend to carry a “Local English" flavor without their awareness, rather than the authentic British or American writing and speaking style.
Learning native writing is crucial!
🍀 Course Coverage:
Diverse writing topics in mainstream schools, including picture-based compositions.
🍀 A Comprehensive Course with Multiple Objectives:
🎯 Enhancing overall English writing proficiency
🎯 Improving exam-taking skills and techniques
🎯 Mastering writing and expression on various life topics
🎯 Expanding vocabulary related to everyday themes
🎯 Enhancing practical writing abilities for students
🍀 School Assessment Focus That Most Students Fear
English writing, picture-based English description, and picture-based composition are significant areas of assessment throughout primary education. Particularly in the sections involving picture-based writing and description, the varying content and wide range of pictures pose a considerable challenge to most students (including high-achieving students). Specifically, they need to master vocabulary and expressions related to everyday life in both speaking and writing aspects.
🍀 Highly Targeted Masterclass
This class is designed specifically to help students overcome their fears and enhance their abilities in these crucial assessment areas of "speaking" and "writing."
🍀 Benefits of Having Native English Speaker Teachers
"English writing," "picture-based English description," and "picture-based composition" all involve describing various life subjects, picture content, or scenarios. Particularly in classroom teaching related to "speaking" and delivering authentic situational English descriptions, foreign teachers possess advantages that local teachers typically lack.
🔊🔊🔊 Important Information on Homework Submission and Grading
To avoid wasting class time, the teacher will assign writing homework after class, and students can choose to complete it on their own. If students choose to submit their writing assignments, please take note of the following requirements:
1. Students must first book the subsequent class in advance (with the same teacher and time slot) and submit their writing assignment before the next class. The teacher will spend a short amount of time during the class providing comments and guidance on the previous assignment (as the low tuition fee does not cover post-class grading).
2. There is no arrangement for late submissions if students fail to submit their writing assignments before the subsequent class.
3. Students must write and submit the assigned topic and cannot choose their own writing prompts. The reason for this is to maximize the effectiveness of the class, allowing students within the class (no more than 4 students) to learn from each other's compositions on the same topic, highlighting the strengths and addressing any issues encountered by fellow classmates.
4. Submission method:
a) Log in to the website:
b) Go to the scheduled class box for the subsequent class and click on the "Submit Essay" button.
c) After the class, students can view the grading report in the same location or app.
🔊🔊🔊 Q&A
1. [Question]: Can I submit the writing assignment after a subsequent class if I miss the next class?
[Answer]: No, it is not possible. This would disrupt the class and the teacher would have to review and provide feedback on two or more different writing prompts during the same class, severely affecting students' learning and absorption.
2. [Question]: Can I submit the writing assignment to another teacher's writing class?
[Answer]: No, it is not allowed. This would disrupt the class as the teacher would have to review and provide feedback on two or more different writing prompts during the same class, severely affecting students' learning and absorption.
3. [Question]: Will the teacher grade the assignments after class?
[Answer]: Due to the low tuition fee for this course, it is not feasible for the teacher to grade assignments after class. The teacher will spend a short amount of time during the subsequent class to provide comments and guidance on the assigned homework.
4. [Question]: What if a student is unable to attend class due to illness on the class day?
[Answer]: If parents can provide a medical certificate, we will refund the class voucher to the parent's account. If there is a medical certificate and the student has already booked the subsequent class with the same teacher and time slot, we will handle the situation separately and allow the student to submit the homework later.
5. [Question]: If a student is unable to book the subsequent class or fails to do so, is there another way to submit the assignment for grading?
[Answer]: We strongly recommend that students book at least two classes in advance to avoid any difficulties in reserving spots later on. If a student misses the subsequent class (regardless of whether it was due to an inability to book or other reasons), no late submissions will be accepted (as explained in the first point above). Students may choose to contact us separately to subscribe to additional grading services.
Elite Native Writing Class (Primary school)
Elite Native Writing Class (Primary school)
Suitable for:
Primary school elite students / international school students
Small class: no more than 4 people
Class duration: 40 minutes
🎯 Elite writing skills
To teach various elite writing skills, including but not limited to similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification, building tension and suspense, and the application of advanced verbs, connectives, adjectives, adverbs...
🎯 Various text types
To explore various text types, including
descriptive stories, fiction, non-fiction, recount, peoms, news report, arguments ...
🎯 Creative writing elements
To teach students how to construct a beautiful writing work step by step. In the meantime, it strengthens their abilities in applying a wide range of words and writing longer, more complex and grammatical sentences.
🎯 Advanced picture composition
To inspire students to use their imaginations on the basis of limited or relatively simple picture materials, to conceive richer storylines, to describe more details, or to create more intriguing story endings. Meanwhile, students are guided to use more complex sentence structures and advanced vocabulary to write the stories.
🎯 Advanced vocabulary in use
To guide students to diversify the application of vocabulary for their writing, so that the overall quality of their work can be enhanced to a new higher level.
👉 Subscription for after-class grading service
Considering the high quality of the curriculum and the costs of our top-notch teachers, the class tuition fees are still relatively lower than that of others in the market, students need to subscribe for the after-class writing correction and grading service. Specially discounted subscription fee for correction and grading service for this course: each time of service on average - HK$68 (normal price:HK$98). The grading work will be done in person by native English speaking teachers.
Primary School Writing correction & grading (no teaching)
Target students: P1 to P6 Number of words written: No more than 500 words 📝 Students can use tickets of HK$98 to redeem a writing correction and grading service (one-time service, not including teaching). Students can also submit a writing assignment required by the school. The correction & grading report covers:
✅Errors corrections and improvement suggestions
✅Comment on content, structure and language
1. Students need to submit their homework through the EHLA App in accordance with the writing homework submission guide (Note);
2. Handwritten manuscripts are not accepted;
3. View the correction & grading report through the EHLA App (Note);
4. Students need to submit their homework within 2 weeks after redeeming the correction & grading service;
5. We will complete the grading within five working days after receiving the assignment.
Note: Watch the short video below 🎞️🎞️
✅Errors corrections and improvement suggestions
✅Comment on content, structure and language
1. Students need to submit their homework through the EHLA App in accordance with the writing homework submission guide (Note);
2. Handwritten manuscripts are not accepted;
3. View the correction & grading report through the EHLA App (Note);
4. Students need to submit their homework within 2 weeks after redeeming the correction & grading service;
5. We will complete the grading within five working days after receiving the assignment.
Note: Watch the short video below 🎞️🎞️
Writing, Picture Composition & Speaking (Exam driven)
P4 to P6(Exam Prep)
🎓Writing, Picture Composition & Speaking
v 👉 One course for multiple purposes:
🎯 Improve writing skills
🎯 Improve speaking proficiency
🎯 Improve vocabulary proficiency
🎯 Improve pronunciation accuracy
🎯 Enhance exam taking skills
👉 Achilles heel of many students
Writing, picture composition and picture storytelling are the key areas to be assessed throughout the primary school stage. They pose great challenges to a large number of students (including elite students). Students need to master a wide range of vocabulary and expressions for various topics in both speaking and writing.
👉 Tailored class
This class is specially designed to help students overcome the fear of these assessment areas, and boost up their proficiency in these key areas as well as related exam taking skills.
👉 Native English speaker teachers
The teaching of writing, picture composition and picture storytelling class is delivered by native English speaker teachers, who possess advantages that local teachers do not have.
v 👉 One course for multiple purposes:
🎯 Improve writing skills
🎯 Improve speaking proficiency
🎯 Improve vocabulary proficiency
🎯 Improve pronunciation accuracy
🎯 Enhance exam taking skills
👉 Achilles heel of many students
Writing, picture composition and picture storytelling are the key areas to be assessed throughout the primary school stage. They pose great challenges to a large number of students (including elite students). Students need to master a wide range of vocabulary and expressions for various topics in both speaking and writing.
👉 Tailored class
This class is specially designed to help students overcome the fear of these assessment areas, and boost up their proficiency in these key areas as well as related exam taking skills.
👉 Native English speaker teachers
The teaching of writing, picture composition and picture storytelling class is delivered by native English speaker teachers, who possess advantages that local teachers do not have.
English Writing Skills Crafting Class | Important Notice Before Booking Classes!
P4 to P6(Exam Prep)
🎓 English Writing Skills Crafting Class | Important Notice Before Booking Classes!
👉 Please read the following
🔊Important Information on Homework Submission and Grading
🔮🔮🔮 Key Features
🍀 Native Writing
All sample essays are crafted by outstanding British and American teachers according to students' cognitive and intellectual levels. Achieving a "native writing" style is often challenging for local English teachers. Local teachers' works tend to carry a “Local English" flavor without their awareness, rather than the authentic British or American writing and speaking style.
Learning native writing is crucial!
🍀 Course Coverage:
Diverse writing topics in mainstream schools, including picture-based compositions.
🍀 A Comprehensive Course with Multiple Objectives:
🎯 Enhancing overall English writing proficiency
🎯 Improving exam-taking skills and techniques
🎯 Mastering writing and expression on various life topics
🎯 Expanding vocabulary related to everyday themes
🎯 Enhancing practical writing abilities for students
🍀 School Assessment Focus That Most Students Fear
English writing, picture-based English description, and picture-based composition are significant areas of assessment throughout primary education. Particularly in the sections involving picture-based writing and description, the varying content and wide range of pictures pose a considerable challenge to most students (including high-achieving students). Specifically, they need to master vocabulary and expressions related to everyday life in both speaking and writing aspects.
🍀 Highly Targeted Masterclass
This class is designed specifically to help students overcome their fears and enhance their abilities in these crucial assessment areas of "speaking" and "writing."
🍀 Benefits of Having Native English Speaker Teachers
"English writing," "picture-based English description," and "picture-based composition" all involve describing various life subjects, picture content, or scenarios. Particularly in classroom teaching related to "speaking" and delivering authentic situational English descriptions, foreign teachers possess advantages that local teachers typically lack.
🔊🔊🔊 Important Information on Homework Submission and Grading
To avoid wasting class time, the teacher will assign writing homework after class, and students can choose to complete it on their own. If students choose to submit their writing assignments, please take note of the following requirements:
1. Students must first book the subsequent class in advance (with the same teacher and time slot) and submit their writing assignment before the next class. The teacher will spend a short amount of time during the class providing comments and guidance on the previous assignment (as the low tuition fee does not cover post-class grading).
2. There is no arrangement for late submissions if students fail to submit their writing assignments before the subsequent class.
3. Students must write and submit the assigned topic and cannot choose their own writing prompts. The reason for this is to maximize the effectiveness of the class, allowing students within the class (no more than 4 students) to learn from each other's compositions on the same topic, highlighting the strengths and addressing any issues encountered by fellow classmates.
4. Submission method:
a) Log in to the website:
b) Go to the scheduled class box for the subsequent class and click on the "Submit Essay" button.
c) After the class, students can view the grading report in the same location or app.
🔊🔊🔊 Q&A
1. [Question]: Can I submit the writing assignment after a subsequent class if I miss the next class?
[Answer]: No, it is not possible. This would disrupt the class and the teacher would have to review and provide feedback on two or more different writing prompts during the same class, severely affecting students' learning and absorption.
2. [Question]: Can I submit the writing assignment to another teacher's writing class?
[Answer]: No, it is not allowed. This would disrupt the class as the teacher would have to review and provide feedback on two or more different writing prompts during the same class, severely affecting students' learning and absorption.
3. [Question]: Will the teacher grade the assignments after class?
[Answer]: Due to the low tuition fee for this course, it is not feasible for the teacher to grade assignments after class. The teacher will spend a short amount of time during the subsequent class to provide comments and guidance on the assigned homework.
4. [Question]: What if a student is unable to attend class due to illness on the class day?
[Answer]: If parents can provide a medical certificate, we will refund the class voucher to the parent's account. If there is a medical certificate and the student has already booked the subsequent class with the same teacher and time slot, we will handle the situation separately and allow the student to submit the homework later.
5. [Question]: If a student is unable to book the subsequent class or fails to do so, is there another way to submit the assignment for grading?
[Answer]: We strongly recommend that students book at least two classes in advance to avoid any difficulties in reserving spots later on. If a student misses the subsequent class (regardless of whether it was due to an inability to book or other reasons), no late submissions will be accepted (as explained in the first point above). Students may choose to contact us separately to subscribe to additional grading services.
👉 Please read the following
🔊Important Information on Homework Submission and Grading
🔮🔮🔮 Key Features
🍀 Native Writing
All sample essays are crafted by outstanding British and American teachers according to students' cognitive and intellectual levels. Achieving a "native writing" style is often challenging for local English teachers. Local teachers' works tend to carry a “Local English" flavor without their awareness, rather than the authentic British or American writing and speaking style.
Learning native writing is crucial!
🍀 Course Coverage:
Diverse writing topics in mainstream schools, including picture-based compositions.
🍀 A Comprehensive Course with Multiple Objectives:
🎯 Enhancing overall English writing proficiency
🎯 Improving exam-taking skills and techniques
🎯 Mastering writing and expression on various life topics
🎯 Expanding vocabulary related to everyday themes
🎯 Enhancing practical writing abilities for students
🍀 School Assessment Focus That Most Students Fear
English writing, picture-based English description, and picture-based composition are significant areas of assessment throughout primary education. Particularly in the sections involving picture-based writing and description, the varying content and wide range of pictures pose a considerable challenge to most students (including high-achieving students). Specifically, they need to master vocabulary and expressions related to everyday life in both speaking and writing aspects.
🍀 Highly Targeted Masterclass
This class is designed specifically to help students overcome their fears and enhance their abilities in these crucial assessment areas of "speaking" and "writing."
🍀 Benefits of Having Native English Speaker Teachers
"English writing," "picture-based English description," and "picture-based composition" all involve describing various life subjects, picture content, or scenarios. Particularly in classroom teaching related to "speaking" and delivering authentic situational English descriptions, foreign teachers possess advantages that local teachers typically lack.
🔊🔊🔊 Important Information on Homework Submission and Grading
To avoid wasting class time, the teacher will assign writing homework after class, and students can choose to complete it on their own. If students choose to submit their writing assignments, please take note of the following requirements:
1. Students must first book the subsequent class in advance (with the same teacher and time slot) and submit their writing assignment before the next class. The teacher will spend a short amount of time during the class providing comments and guidance on the previous assignment (as the low tuition fee does not cover post-class grading).
2. There is no arrangement for late submissions if students fail to submit their writing assignments before the subsequent class.
3. Students must write and submit the assigned topic and cannot choose their own writing prompts. The reason for this is to maximize the effectiveness of the class, allowing students within the class (no more than 4 students) to learn from each other's compositions on the same topic, highlighting the strengths and addressing any issues encountered by fellow classmates.
4. Submission method:
a) Log in to the website:
b) Go to the scheduled class box for the subsequent class and click on the "Submit Essay" button.
c) After the class, students can view the grading report in the same location or app.
🔊🔊🔊 Q&A
1. [Question]: Can I submit the writing assignment after a subsequent class if I miss the next class?
[Answer]: No, it is not possible. This would disrupt the class and the teacher would have to review and provide feedback on two or more different writing prompts during the same class, severely affecting students' learning and absorption.
2. [Question]: Can I submit the writing assignment to another teacher's writing class?
[Answer]: No, it is not allowed. This would disrupt the class as the teacher would have to review and provide feedback on two or more different writing prompts during the same class, severely affecting students' learning and absorption.
3. [Question]: Will the teacher grade the assignments after class?
[Answer]: Due to the low tuition fee for this course, it is not feasible for the teacher to grade assignments after class. The teacher will spend a short amount of time during the subsequent class to provide comments and guidance on the assigned homework.
4. [Question]: What if a student is unable to attend class due to illness on the class day?
[Answer]: If parents can provide a medical certificate, we will refund the class voucher to the parent's account. If there is a medical certificate and the student has already booked the subsequent class with the same teacher and time slot, we will handle the situation separately and allow the student to submit the homework later.
5. [Question]: If a student is unable to book the subsequent class or fails to do so, is there another way to submit the assignment for grading?
[Answer]: We strongly recommend that students book at least two classes in advance to avoid any difficulties in reserving spots later on. If a student misses the subsequent class (regardless of whether it was due to an inability to book or other reasons), no late submissions will be accepted (as explained in the first point above). Students may choose to contact us separately to subscribe to additional grading services.